Tuesday, 23 January 2007

I Just Made An Error...

...by going for a nap at about 9PM. I woke up about 10.30PM quite refreshed which is quite the bitch as my body now thinks it's morning. I'm in for a shitty nights sleep now.

I actually only started this post to talk about that so there isn't much to add on. Two out of the three Asian lads who are always late to lessons are getting later. The other one was there before me today and basically stared me down for a good minute and I'm still not sure why. Perhaps he was waiting for me to call him a cunt...because he really is. I've never seen him smile and I'm doubting if he knows what a computer is. Sorry, I just really don't like him.

Right, I'm going to have to make myself tired somehow. If not, I may go outside and see if the Chinese kids congregate by the windows at night to smoke and talk. I imagine they do.

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