Monday, 8 January 2007

Fuck Me, Chinese Kids Are Fast At Maths

It's true, they are! He was about 2 pages ahead of me in the exam for most of the way. Caught up to him at the end though. I'm not totally sure if he was aware I was racing him, but there we go.

I have to walk to the train station in a bit and it's bloody raining...well, spitting/drizzle. I haven't wrote anything for a while so I should have a lot to say, but that's were you are wrong I'm afraid. As you can see, I have already resorted to talking about the weather on just my second paragraph.

I'm contemplating having a shit before I leave but I think I might just bake it for a while and have a totally fulfilling one when I get back home. The risk, of course is that I may have to go whilst on the train, miss my stop, end up in Plymouth...and die. Or something.

I shall leave you with my most skillfully taking picture ever. Taken on New Years Eve, I manage to throw a chunk of cake at Paddy, hit him in the face with it and take the picture at the same time. Here we see the split second before it hits.

Paddy before the cake hits him



Anonymous said...

Here comes a piece of very interesting information. Michael Murray, the Asian Freddie Mercury of your lectures, is in the world of Second Life ( pretending to be a female called Melissa Coulter.

Paul said...

Now I'm just worried.